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Social Awareness

The Flag Bearer – Greta Thunberg

“A beautiful bride walked down the aisle, sweat dripped off her cheek meeting the ground filled with water which had filled the cathedral just a few weeks ago. The scorching hot sun gave away toxic rays and the world felt like a melting pot.” It is farfetched to say that “The Apocalypse is near” yet, […]

Breaking The Shackles

“He stood on the sidewalk talking to himself; it was a sight which everyone saw but no one cared to look twice at. It was disheartening; he was stared at and was pelted with stones, and he was named – “Madman”. Is this the right attitude? Why is it that not even one pair of […]

Back to Nature: “Cauvery Calling”

In the far South of India, through the lush green rainforests of Western Ghats, flows a river with all its majesticity, giving life to everything it comes in contact with and rests in the most serene way possible when it touches the Bay of Bengal. Yes, I am describing the beauty of one the most […]

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